ExamJet Quiz Maker

ExamJet Quiz Maker for Windows

Free to try English Version: 3.2

3.5 (70.4%) 2537 votes

Create and publish test and quizzes-receive comprehensive reports and analyze them.

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Software description

ExamJet Quiz Maker is an advanced test and quiz creator software. It gives you all the necessary tools to create and publish test and quizzes-receive comprehensive reports and analyze them. The software is based on the latest technologies and can publish quizzes with a wide variety of options-you can set time limits-choose desired question banks-shuffle them-allow students to view received results and earned points. In addition-ExamJet Quiz Maker includes a large number of specific reports which will enable you to view only the information that you really need. ExamJet Quiz Maker is designed so that lots of students can take a test simultaneously while you control the testing process through the central management console. You can publish test or quiz and assign desired authorization system. There are three options: Anonymous Testing-Generate Access Codes and Set Master Password for the Test.

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Igneon Software
46.6 MB
Free to try
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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