UTC Conversion Chart

UTC Conversion Chart for iOs

Free English Version: 2

4.6 (91.67%) 120 votes

UTC Chart translates between UTC and your local time zone. Instead of doing the math in your head just look at this app instead. It presents an…

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Software description

UTC Chart translates between UTC and your local time zone. Instead of doing the math in your head just look at this app instead. It presents an attractive list of the next 24 hours in your local time zone along with the corresponding UTC time. The list starts with the current hour at the top.The quality of the presentation was carefully considered to emphasize the most important information and de-emphasize secondary information. Since you’re primarily concerned with the hour-to-hour translation the hours are presented in a large bold typeface while the minute portion of the times are much smaller and always read ’00’. They look like times but it’s the hour information that stands out. The day of week is also included so you know when a UTC time may be in a different day than your local time.This is mainly intended for software engineers and/or system administrators who often need to translate between server time (UTC) and local time but can be useful for anyone who needs to perform UTC time conversions.While UTC Chart was designed to meet my personal needs but I’m open to suggestions for improvement. Should the local time zone be editable? Should the order of the columns be swapped? Should there be more or less information? Please use the feedback button within the app to let me know.
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