
Spinnn for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.3.0

3.5 (70.2%) 2646 votes

Move falling game pieces to create horizontal lines.

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Software description

Move and spin falling game pieces and try to create horizontal lines, in any of the over 30 different games found in Spinnn. These games are divided into four sets, each with its own style and special rules. The four sets are as follows: The Classic set of games, the Things set of games, the Obstacles set of games and the Tricky set of games. All Classic games are focused on the basic puzzle, where some games have larger, or oddly shaped, pieces. In Things, the games have objects (like a tree or a pyramid) that can be part of a line and removed (with a score bonus). The games in Obstacles contain objects that can be part of a line, but not removed by any other means than special tools like drills and bombs (a score bonus is earned for every destroyed block). The Tricky games are a lot like the Classic ones, but they usually have magic tools to help you. Whether you are a novice or an expert, you will surely find your favorite game in Spinnn.

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Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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