
Randommite for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.5

4.6 (91.98%) 359 votes

Versatile data set generator lets anyone rapidly generate realistic data sets with ease.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

With ease, Randommite can output records in a variety of modern and legacy formats: XML, SQL, Fixed, HTML, CSV, Grids, Variable, and Custom user-defined formats. Out of the box, Randommite supplies the following field types for building output records:
Numbers (defined range of integer, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, or binary)
Statistical (supply a mean and standard deviation)
Alphanumeric (names, addresses, dates, text, characters, and more)
Sequences (define a start and incremental value)
Literals (static text where you need it)
Built-In Value Lists (50+ data lists and growing)
Custom Value Lists (ultimate versatility, define reusable lists containing thousands of values)

No Threats Detected
KMCode Enterprises
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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