
Plith for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.0.1

3.5 (70.2%) 3318 votes

Plith is an indie puzzle game. It is a fast paced game which contains a lot of levels to be solved.

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Software description

Plith is a fresh indie puzzle game for Windows, OSX and Linux. It puts gamers in a spatial setting, where they have to manage several puzzle elements (mostly gears) and must make quick decisions which can simplify or complicate their path to victory. Plith is a fast paced game which contains a lot of levels – more than 100 – to be solved. The player moves some gears and can place them on the level; some gears rotate, and transmit their rotation to the adjacent ones: the objective of each level is to activate the target gears. These levels constitute five different worlds, which are subdivided into fourteen sections. Each section introduces new gameplay elements; for example, several kinds of gears and obstacles come out along the game. The game is presented using mostly 3D graphics, with a few handmade drawings as well.

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Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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