
PixelStick for MAC

Free to try English Version: 2.15.0

3.6 (72%) 2621 votes

Measure distances, angles and colors on the screen.

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Software description

PixelStick works in any app and anywhere on screen anytime. Its easy, simple and fast. PixelStick is a measuring tool you can pinch and stretch to measure anything on your screen. Use the eyedropper to copy colors in 4 formats (CSS, RGB, RGB hex, HTML) to the clipboard for use in any app. Its like an onscreen virtual ruler that you can use vertically, horizontally and at any angle to measure distances, angles and much more just by dragging. Supports the scaling in Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, and Photoshop. Also has Customized (user settable) scaling options. Most of what PixelStick does is obvious. Drag the endpoints to change the measurement. Click the locks to constrain the movement. Launch it, play around, no more limitations to just one app in measuring distance, angle and color.

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4.6 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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