Muscle and Motion POSTURE

Muscle and Motion POSTURE for Android

Free English Version: 1.4.21

4.9 (97.99%) 427 votes

Groundbreaking new premium software in the field of Human Posture.

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Software description

Groundbreaking new premium software in the field of Human Posture. Who It Benefits? This comprehensive professional software was built especially for teachers, therapists, and instructors of all movement methods who are interested in deepening their understanding of the anatomical, kinesiological and motor components of human movement and to improve the quality of their teaching and instruction. Ever wished you could learn how to diagnose your students’ posturepatterns? Now you can. The professional collaboration between Dr. Gill Solberg and Amit Gal Alon takes the world of human kinesiology a few steps forward and creates a compulsory visual tool for every trainer/teacher who is interested in deepening his/her understanding of the movement and posture system. This is an opportunity to learn from top-notch professionals and to raise their own instructional quality by several levels. Therapists and professionals dealing in normative or faulty human movement around the world, including: Personal Fitness Trainers & Coaches. Pilates, Dance & Yoga Instructors. Orthopedics. Chiropractors and Physical & Occupational Therapists. Massage Therapists. Kinesiology & Anatomy Students. University & College Professors. Fitness Enthusiasts.

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Muscle and Motion
Android 2.1+
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