
mp3TrueEdit for MAC

Free to try English Version: 2.1.2

4.6 (92.59%) 1525 votes

Edit MP3 and AAC files without quality loss quickly and easily. Change pitch/tempo during playback.

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Software description

mp3TrueEdit is a simple to use and affordable MP3 and AAC audio editor for Mac. It was specifically written for quick and easy editing of MP3 and AAC files without the need to decompress and re-compress audio, so there is no loss in quality. It is also designed to prevent any invalid or corrupt audio from being generated when joining or splitting files, so you are not limited to where you can make your audio edits. mp3TrueEdit loads a two hour audio file in a couple of seconds, much faster than popular waveform editors. Also includes fast and accurate trimming, fade, normalization and other editing operations.

+ Save disk space and time – there’s no need to decompress and re-compress the audio stored in the MP3 files so this avoids having to create large slow loading intermediate files. + No need to worry about making changes or experimental edits – everything can be undone and redone quickly and easily. + Quickly and easily fade in, fade out, change volume or normalize any section of an audio file. + Make any section of audio completely silent or insert new silent sections of audio.
mp3TrueEdit is not only excellent for editing music – you can record and listen to meetings, lectures, talks and sermons and slow them down so you don’t miss a word or speed them up and accelerate your learning. You can also record rehearsals, band practice sessions or choirs and change the pitch (key) or tempo (speed) to suite your own practice needs.

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C2 Solutions
11.08 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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