
MovieScanner for MAC

Free English Version: 1.5

4.2 (84%) 1836 votes

Quickly analyze your video file or files and determine resolution, audio track type, and other metadata.

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Software description

MovieScanner was not designed with cataloging you movies in mind – there are plenty of great programs out there that will do the trick. It’s also not a program that identifies your movies and/or find additional clipart or information from places like the IMBD or TheMovieDB (MacOS X users: I highly recommend ViMediaManager).
The only purpose this program has is to quickly analyze your video file or files and determine things like resolution, if it’s widescreen or not, audio tracks, embedded subtitles. This way you can compare the different versions you have without going into a media player and identify the differences between the two files you’re looking at. This program however does not compare the two, it just lists the specifications of each video file.

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8.99 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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