
MotionMap for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.0.8

3.5 (70.19%) 1060 votes

Find out about the areas of greatest motion in various videos.

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Software description

MotionMap takes a pre-recorded video files and analyses them to determine areas of greatest motion. This can be motion from cars, people, or anything else that is moving in the viewable area. Video clips are analysed very quickly: typically one hour of video is processed in about one minute. The motion is shown via a colour scale, with blue to indicate areas of low traffic and red to highlight areas of high traffic. MotionMap is used to determine the areas of greatest traffic in a scene. For example, if a grocery store client wants to determine where their customers walk in the store. They can use MotionMap to design their store so that customers walk by important areas. Or, if a car dealership wants to track areas of greater traffic on their showroom floor, MotionMap can provide this vital information.

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Ben Bird
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Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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