Moog Widget

Moog Widget for MAC

Free English Version: 1

4.9 (97.98%) 466 votes

Create a various music compositions with a stylish synthesizer.

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Software description

With his passion for high-tech toolmaking in the service of creativity, Bob Moog is something of a patron saint of the nerdy arts and a hero to many of us here. So from now on, you’ll find an interactive, playable Mac OS X Dashboard Widget, inspired by the instruments with which Moog brought musical performance into the electronic age. You can use your mouse and computer keyboard to control the mini-synthesizer’s keys and knobs to make nearly limitless sounds. Keeping with the theme of 1960s music technology, we’ve patched the keyboard into a 4-track tape recorder so you can record, play back and share songs via short links or Google+. Get this remarkable Doodle Dashboard conversion and start making some music with a click.

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501.89 KB
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