
Mira for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.5.2

4.1 (82.59%) 1058 votes

Personalized control over any app using Apple Remote.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Mira is designed exclusively for the Apple Remote, taking it beyond Front Row with personal control for any application, on any Mac. Shipping with built-in support for over 65 applications, new ones can be given their own specific actions in a few seconds with virtually no learning curve and no additional software or plugins to download or install. The Apple Remote can be used on any Mac using mira and a supported IR receiver (Twisted Melon’s Manta TR1 & MCE/eHome Receivers)

Mira automatically detects which application is running and matches it with the correct personal settings. If you know how to use your favorite applications with a mouse and keyboard, you can make them work with the Apple Remote. If you know how to use your favorite applications with a mouse and keyboard, you can make them work with the Apple Remote.

No Threats Detected
Twisted Melon
8.16 MB
Free to try
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