Islamic Encyclopedia

Islamic Encyclopedia for iOs

Free English Version: 4

4.5 (89.39%) 2097 votes

With thousands entering into Islam in the West, and Millions of Muslims both in the east as well as the west dependent on the Islamic literature in…

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Software description

With thousands entering into Islam in the West, and Millions of Muslims both in the east as well as the west dependent on the Islamic literature in the English language alone, the need for an authentic, comprehensive Islamic encyclopedia was never greater.The encyclopedias that have so far been published, or are on the Web, are quite inadequate, if not misleading. This encyclopedia attempts to meet the needs of the person endeavoring to deepen his knowledge of Islam. With its unique maps and illustrations, it is also a very good teaching aids in schools and colleges.Admittedly, it goes only half the way in meeting the need. Work is going on, and we expect to add more knowledge/date on this site in anothers year time, Allah willing.
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