
IFX-Supreme for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1

3.7 (74.79%) 1858 votes

Create, apply and share filters and effects for your images and photos.

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Software description

Using IFX-Supreme you can create filters and effects for your images from basic building blocks, called nodes. Nodes can contain various settings and can be freely connected or disconnected to each other, allowing a large array of possible filters and effects. Graphs created from these nodes (called templates) can be uploaded and shared with other users, ensuring that the community creates more and more available templates.

IFX-Supreme is divided into two different workspaces, the image view makes it very simple to apply existing templates to images and to preview and change their parameters. The graph editor view is where you modify the node graphs of existing templates or you can build your own unique filters and effects.

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Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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