Hyper Sudoku

Hyper Sudoku for MAC

Free English Version: 1

4.1 (81.39%) 1010 votes

Solve a new type of Sudoku puzzles.

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Software description

Bored of playing 3×3 sudoku?, try Hyper Sudoku – 4×4 challenger version with many features as: each box contains 4×4=16 cells with values 1..9, a..g. Generation of all possible games, (possibly billions), you can stop generation at any time and browse/edit solutions. Three level problem generation and solver, the higher the level the more empty cells, once generated the board is copied to clipboard so you can retrieve it again after solving, depending on generated board, solutions may take a while to appear, you can always stop, and try with another random generation. Copy/paste board to clip as text and image (copy only to a 2000×2000 pix image). File save/read in plain text format, editable with any editor. Solution boards browser (next, prev.). Print to PFD file in hires. Generate a random problem adjusting level (dice button), copy to clipboard, solve (this make take a while), optionally stop if it takes too long, when solution is found you can paste to print/copy image and browse with left/right arrows solutions found

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