Hanx Writer

Hanx Writer for iOs

Free English Version: 1.2.2

3.7 (74.2%) 1444 votes

Recreate the experience of a manual typewriter on your iOS device.

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Software description

Hanx Writer expands recreating the permanence of a typewriter with the convenience of your iPad and iPhone. As ever, the report of SHOOK SHOOK and KLOCK-KLOCK is mated with the luxuries of the DELETE key. Your typewriting will be true word-processing with the look, feel, and sound of a classic writing machine. Every Hanx Writer document can be emailed, printed – shared. with a personality as unique as the person who creates it. And, Hanx Writer is on the go. Enjoy the tactile thrill of typing up text messages, emails, notes and more in most third-party apps that use a keyboard. Explore the complete Hanx Writer typewriter collection: The Hanx Prime Select is writers best friend (and it’s FREE) ; take the Hanx 707 on any journey and admire the elegance (and the fitt-fitt) of the Hanx Golden Touch. Each machine is unique. And now, there’s more. The Hanx Matterhorn is born of Swiss Precision – sharp & imposing; The Hanx Del Sol glows bright & brilliant with promise; and the Hanx Electric will help you write your story, your way. You already know how to work them – so get writing. Tom Hanks.
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