
GoodbyeHello for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.0.4

4.1 (81.13%) 195 votes

Makes files and folders invisible or visible.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

GoodbyeHello is a utility for making files and folders invisible or visible. When you drop a file or folder on the app’s Finder or Dock icon, or its main window, it will be made invisible. You can also use the File menu commands “Make Files Invisible…” or “Make Folder Invisible…” to make files or folders invisible.

Use the File menu command “Make Path Visible…” to make a file or folder visible. This command requires you to enter the pathname of the file or folder. You can also navigate to the files you want to make visible using the “Make Files Visible” command, and navigate to the folder you want to make visible using the “Make Folder Visible” command.
Note: pathnames of processed files and folders are logged to the console. You can open the console by selecting “Open Console…” from the File menu. The log is useful for copying file and folder pathnames into the “Make Path Visible” window’s text field.names into the “Make Visible” window’s text field.
GoodbyeHello is part of the Limit Point Software Utilities Bundle : Purchase a Utilities password to activate all the utilities, including GoodbyeHello. Updates are always free, new products always included!

No Threats Detected
Limit Point Software
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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