
Freelancy for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.4.5

4.5 (90.77%) 247 votes

Track time and invoices.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Freelancy is a time tracking and project management app that lets you track the time you are working and money you have made, create invoices for your clients and view detailed reports. Freelancy works on any desktop platform: it is available as a Google Chrome app anywhere and as a native app for Windows, OS X and Linux. Freelancy doesn’t need a connection to work. You can track your time everywhere, no matter what’s happening with your internet connection. Whenever you are online, Freelancy syncs your data between your devices. Start a task on a laptop and continue it on a desktop, your data goes where you go. Create reports for specified time, filtered by projects or clients, export your data as CSV and charts images for yourself or your clients. With our custom-made exportable invoices, we are the true one stop shop for small-businesses and freelancers.

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Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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