
FotoSketcher for Windows

Free English Version: 2.99

4.9 (97.99%) 536 votes

Turn digital photos into drawings or paintings.

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Software description

FotoSketcher is a freeware program for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 which automatically turns digital images (photos or 3d renderings) into works of art. With the click of a button any photo can become a masterpiece. Many styles are available: pencil sketch, oil painting, watercolor, pastel, drawing, cartoon, pen and ink, sepia (vintage photo) The interface supports 3 different skins and is extremely user-friendly. FotoSketcher can be used straight away, with virtually no learning curve. Apart from its main goal of turning any user into a budding artist, FotoSketcher can also perform image correction and retouching (automatic contrast improvement, change color saturation, resize or rotate image, add various frames, add text). The batch mode allows users to modify multiple images in one go. FotoSketcher is available in 21 languages.

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5.71 MB
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