Forbidden Secrets: Alien Town CE

Forbidden Secrets: Alien Town CE for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1

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Investigate strange goings-on in the eerie town of Fort Nightingale.

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Software description

A TV show is turning the children of Fort Nightingale into zombies! Enter this mystifying maelstrom as Clarrisa, a government agent that investigates unexplained phenomenon. Through her eyes, you’ll search Fort Nightingale for clues, solve cunning puzzles and talk with the townspeople to get a bearing on the case. As each action takes you closer to a shattering revelation, you’ll enjoy two unique styles of hidden object gameplay, delve into journals and other background materials, and marvel at cinematic interludes that set a new standard for adventure games. The Collector’s Edition of Forbidden Secrets: Alien Town comes with a bonus chapter, concept art, desktop wallpapers and a step-by-step walkthrough. Experience the special version of this instant classic today!

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