
Flagit for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.9.3

4 (79.6%) 3463 votes

Create as many custom flags as you need, of any color and with any label, in Apple Mail.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Flagit! brings multi colored flags to Mail.app. Flagit! also allows you to “mark” emails as completed, keeping track of when the flag was set , who applied the flag, and when it was marked as completed. Now you use icons other than flags – we supply a bunch and you can create and add your own to the new Icon menu. With Flagit! installed on additional computers (separate license required) Flagit! flags transfer over the ‘net on IMAP accounts so all users have access to Flagit! flags and can change or modify the flags. Great for accounts that have multiple users.

No Threats Detected
10.91 MB
Free to try
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