
ffDiaporama for Windows

Free English Version: 1.6

4.4 (88.39%) 1054 votes

Create movies from photos and video clips.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

ffDiaporama is an application for creating video sequences consisting of titles, fixed or animated, images or photos, movie clips and music. The following options are available refocusing of images and photos, cutting of video clips, notes (addition of text) for images, photos, sequences and animations, graphical filters on the images and the videos (conversion into black and white, dust removal, equalization of colors, etc.), creation of animation by zoom, rotation or Ken Burns Effect on images or photos, correction of the images and the videos during animations (luminosity, contrast, gamma, colors, etc.) and transitions between sequences with definition of the transition type, sequence by sequence

No Threats Detected
The ffDiaporama Team
35.71 MB
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