
ExisEcho for Windows

Free to try English Version: 2.0a

4.8 (95.6%) 3477 votes

Use fuzzy logic to look for data duplication in a variety of data sources.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

ExisEcho uses sophisticated fuzzy logic algorithms to find fuzzy duplicates or fuzzy matches in a wide variety of data sources. Use ExisEcho to find misspelled duplicates called “fuzzy matches” in your masterfile. Masterfile duplicates can cause a lot of errors in your business-costing you thousands of dollars in lost revenue due to mistakes. Cleanup masterfile using ExisEcho by removing duplicate entries from your customer master-product master or transactional systems data. ExisEcho will reveal approximate matches and approximate duplicates in your company’s valuable data. Find duplicate items in your vendor payments quickly. Even if you find just one error worth a $1000 this software will have paid for itself. Our product has many advantages over our competition. The more fuzzy matches you find-the more money you could potentially save. We use proprietary algorithms to discover inexact matches/fuzzy matches that are very difficult for other programs to locate-such as when you have “John Smith” and “Smith John”.

No Threats Detected
5.23 MB
Free to try
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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