
ExcelVB-Tamer for MAC

Purchase English Version: 4.0.1

4.2 (83.97%) 383 votes

Create sophisticated Excel-based applications with ease.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

ExcelVB-Tamer helps you create sophisticated Excel-based applications — quickly. In fact, all of Magnafy’s Excel-based software is built on it. For Mac and Windows. ExcelVB-Tamer consists of highly efficient, reusable code, with well-isolated concerns to streamline and fundamentally simplify a broad set of critical Excel processes. Core among the functionality is ExcelVB-Tamer’s extensive set of code for range manipulation, encompassing: address and formula analysis, corrected indexing, segment (area) analysis, smart intra-range navigation, and range constriction and combination. It also has code for sheet characteristics management, user selection and formula input, and comprehensive search and replacement. And there are code sets to make some less-frequent complexities simple, like partial-cell control and dynamic book-form creation. All of these are in addition to the Magnafy Framework — execution management code that includes: event environment handling, tracking for undo/redo, embedded data management, compound-text building for control hovers and for help, and a user interface to enable key-combination shortcuts for an application.
There are also easy-to-use routines and functions for complex VBA tasks, including environment analysis, file handling, paged navigable output for very long messages, toolbar and ribbon customization (without XML), math and smart comparisons, type analysis and conversion, very flexible string manipulation, list and array management, and user input. ExcelVB-Tamer also has commands for frequent development tasks — for example, comprehensive inspection of data items including arrays, listing procedure declarations (in actual order), very flexible location of a string in code, shorthand for very common syntax, listing all modules in an application by line count, and complete menu structure reporting. Plus, it even has a thorough set of routines and functions for code management. Just a few operations are: code adding and deleting, module and application identification by various characteristics, procedure and statement scoping, code search, cross-application reference analysis, and code-to-face (and vice-versa) entity identifications. Further, it includes thoroughly organized documents with hundreds of hard-to-find details about developing with Excel and with VBA in general. With all of these aspects of leverage, ExcelVB-Tamer pushes beginners past veterans.

No Threats Detected
Magnafy Software
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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