Empress of the Deep 3: Legacy of the Phoenix

Empress of the Deep 3: Legacy of the Phoenix for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1

4.1 (82.17%) 138 votes

Save your lost tribe in the final confrontation with Pandora.

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Software description

After vanquishing her evil twin, Pandora, Empress Anna must find her lost tribe. In a fever dream she learns they are threatened by a cursed colossus on a distant and mysterious temple city, adrift on the waves below. Helped by the ghost of Jacob and an ancient phoenix she escapes the burning palace in the clouds and finds the beautiful floating city, constructed by her lost people. But where have they gone? Only a sinister two-headed wizard and his cats remain. Can she trust him? Will he help her find the lost tribe before the colossus fully awakens? Find out in Empress of the Deep 3: Legacy of the Phoenix!

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505.94 KB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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