Empress of the Deep 2

Empress of the Deep 2 for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1

4.2 (84.59%) 1219 votes

Help Anna find the cloud city, seek the Children of Light and save them from the Evil Empress

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Software description

Anna awakens on a mysterious tiny island after escaping the destruction of her underwater kingdom. She must find her way to a mystical floating cloud city in the sky, seek out the four Children of Light and save them from the twisted clutches of the Evil Empress Pandora. Along the way she must rescue and heal enchanted animal slaves hidden in a vast temple complex suspended by massive balloons. Each animal becomes her friend and guide as she navigates the eerie halls and twilit chambers. She must use her wits to search the sprawling sky temples for artifacts and clues and rescue the children before the Empress succeeds in unveiling the darkest of plans.

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205.47 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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