
Easy-Hide-IP for Windows

Free to try English Version: 4.7

3.8 (75.99%) 1028 votes

Hide your IP address and prevent Internet activity tracking.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Easy-Hide-IP is an advanced IP changer to bypass virtually any form of censorship or internet traffic blocking imposed on you by your ISP by selecting any IP from our 50+ private servers around the world. Your internet traffic is securely routed through these servers using high security BlowFish encryption. Only the IP address of the remote servers will appear your ISP’s log file-not the sites you have visited. Easy Hide IP protects your identity by replacing your real IP address with a different one. You will appear to access the internet from a different location-not your own.
Your real location is never revealed. Change / hide IP address. Choose your geographic location. Access to our high speed servers. Automatically hide IP every X minutes. Works with Internet Explorer-Firefox and Chrome. Just start the application-select an IP address to use and click on the ‘Hide IP’ button.

No Threats Detected
6.79 MB
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