
CuteDJ for MAC

Free to try English Version: 4.3.5

3.5 (70.39%) 3348 votes

Mix audio, video, and karaoke with ease

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Software description

CuteDJ is a professional DJ mxing program for amateur and professional DJs that offers everything you need to DJ mixing, scratch, remixing and live performance. Perfect for weddings, clubs, hotels, parties, even at home. this exciting Mac DJ mixing Software will find songs very fast, let you mix automatically or manually, play music to multiple sound systems at the same time, change song pitch, keylock, seamless looping, auto crossfade control, advanced effects, harmonic mixing, iTunes integration, MIDI Learn and much, much more. In addition, CuteDJ Mac mixing software allows you to control your DJ mixes with MIDI/HID controllers. There are over 70 hardware controllers natively (zero-configure) supported from Numark, Behringer, Akai, American Audio, Beamz, M-Audio, Denon, Hercules, Reloop, Vestax, and etc. Any MIDI controller can be used and visually mapped by using the intuitive midi-LEARN feature. Simply connect your hardware controller to your Mac, connect to your sound system and you are in action. So try it and you will be amazed how easily you can become a beat mixing DJ. Fully compatible with macOS Hign Sierra.

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10.97 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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