CPU Meter

CPU Meter for Windows

Free English Version: 1.1

3.7 (73.8%) 2911 votes

Display information about CPU and memory usage.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

The CPU Meter gadget is my favorite system utility gadget for Windows 7. It’s easy to read-responsive-and isn’t complicated by a hundred and one options. The CPU Meter gadget displays the status of two major resources you might want to track on your computer – your CPU and memory usage. If you’re looking for a simple and attractive gadget to keep tabs on these basic system resources-add the CPU Meter gadget to your desktop. Note: The CPU Meter gadget is available for Windows Vista in addition to Windows 7.
like the CPU Meter gadget for probably very obvious reasons – it works well-it looks good-and it’s included with Windows 7. It’s the only system utility gadget included with Windows so it’s no surprise that it tracks CPU and memory use. So why use it? A few reasons come to mind. Keeping tabs on your CPU and RAM use could be valuable if you’re constantly terminating a program because of its wild CPU or RAM use. I used to have to check these resource in Task Manager when my PC would slow down but now I can just glance at my CPU Meter gadget on my desktop. Okay-I admit-it’s mainly fun just to watch the dials go up and down-plus it satisfies that bit of computer geek in all of us… especially me. To install the CPU Meter gadget in Windows 7-just right-click anywhere on your desktop and click on Gadgets. Locate the CPU Meter gadget and drag it to your desktop.

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410 KB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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