
Compositor for MAC

Free to try English Version: 3.4

4.7 (94.6%) 2129 votes

Create and edit images and turn an image into art.

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Software description

Compositor is an innovative image-to-art creator and image editor featuring more than 165 filter and channel effects. The program has complete painting tools and an editing toolset (Tool mode) and multidocument ability. It can help artists and photographers know how an image or portion of an image would appear when printed or painted at a certain proportion or portion of the original, thanks to its unique Black Matte feature (Frame and Mat modes). This feature also allows for fast cropping to a set proportion. The program can save and replay your actions for use on another image, movie, or sequence, or upon the original, and this is now made much easier with the addition of the new Actions Palette and Sequence menu.

No Threats Detected
Artly There Software
13.23 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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