Clothing Store Assistant

Clothing Store Assistant for Windows

Free to try English Version: 14

3.6 (71.18%) 633 votes

Run your clothing store with this specific point-of-sale management system.

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Software description

Clothing Shop Assistant is a specific tool for those who operate clothing stores. Specific features allow you to manage clothes’ sizes and the software produces critical-sale reports. Process sales using a barcode reader. Renew your label stock using the label shop. Generate barcoded labels. Items sold are depleted from the inventory automatically. Apply discounts on specific items and tax items separately. Operate a cash drawer and get logs of cash-related activities. Plug in a jet-laser-or receipt printer.

No Threats Detected
24.15 MB
Free to try
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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