CameraBag Pro

CameraBag Pro for MAC

Free to try English Version: 3.1.1

4.4 (87.36%) 440 votes

Filter and edit photos and videos.

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Software description

CameraBag Pro is the ultimate tool for bringing both advanced adjustments and over 200 one-click filters to your photos and videos. It’s a dream come true for photographers and filmmakers – much more powerful than cheesy “one-click” filter apps, but also much lighter, quicker, and more intuitive than bloated, decades-old legacy software packages.

CameraBag’s adjustments are all applied non-destructively in its unique and powerful tile-based interface. Layer on adjustments by adding each as a tile to the bottom tray. You can rearrange them, adjust them, or even do things like have more than one tone curve. It’s way more powerful than the standard photo editor interface.

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32.14 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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