Bytecode Viewer

Bytecode Viewer for MAC

Free English Version: 2.8.1

3.9 (77.98%) 722 votes

An advanced lightweight Java reverse engineering suite, decompiler, searcher, debugger, and more.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Bytecode Viewer is an Advanced Lightweight Java Bytecode Viewer, GUI Procyon Java Decompiler, GUI CFR Java Decompiler, GUI FernFlower Java Decompiler, GUI Jar-Jar, Hex Viewer, Code Searcher, Debugger and more. It’s written completely in Java, and it’s open sourced. It’s currently being maintained and developed by Konloch. There is also a plugin system that will allow you to interact with the loaded classfiles, for example you can write a String deobfuscator, a malicious code searcher, or something else you can think of. You can either use one of the pre-written plugins, or write your own. It supports groovy, python and ruby scripting. Once a plugin is activated, it will execute the plugin with a ClassNode ArrayList of every single class loaded in BCV, this allows the user to handle it completely using ASM.

No Threats Detected
The Bytecode Club
16.05 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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