Bluetooth Screen Unlock

Bluetooth Screen Unlock for MAC

Purchase English Version: 1.0.3

4.5 (90.39%) 2021 votes

Lock and unlock your screen with a Bluetooth device like your phone.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Lock and unlock your screen with a bluetooth device like your phone.

Includes a feature to optionally use with a password for Two-Factor authentication (off by default).
Two-factor authentication requires the use of two authentication factors. The two factors are something the user knows and something the user has. For example a bluetooth device and a password.
Please pair your device before purchase. If your device cannot be paired then this app may not work with.
If you are having difficulty pairing an iPhone please enable personal hotspot. This seems to be a work around for the issue.

No Threats Detected
Chris Vallis
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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