Bingo Caller 90

Bingo Caller 90 for MAC

Free to try English Version: 1.0.0

4.9 (98.38%) 568 votes

Run a 90 number Bingo party.

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Software description

Bingo Caller 90 provides everything you need to run a 90 number Bingo party (for entertainment only). This game includes a “Flash Board” display of all possible numbers (called numbers are displayed bolded and in a different color), a pull-down menu to select the Winning Pattern, the Winning Pattern display, a display of the last called number and controls. Audio is supported. You can print an endless supply of unique and numbered Bingo Strips, each with six Tickets. Settings for audio (on/off), calling speed, color scheme, and Bingo Strip numbering are saved between sessions.

No Threats Detected
Custom Solutions of Maryland
2.78 MB
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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