
Alphabix for Windows

Free to try English Version: 1.2.2

4.6 (91.2%) 2193 votes

Create fonts by merging characters with letters.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Alphabix is a utility for creating bitmap fonts. Alphabix can convert any TrueType-OpenType and Type 1 font installed on your system. You can set the character range (which characters you would like to convert)-the character set-the size-colour-and border size and border color. Any character can be replaced by any PNG-BMP-GIF-TIF or JPG picture. Alpha channels are correctly imported. Alphabix can create cut-outs for letter cubes. Just enter the names you would like to write and the cut-outs are generated fully automatically. The algorithm has been optimized to write as many names with as little cubes.

No Threats Detected
Outerspace Software
413.4 KB
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