AKVIS Coloriage

AKVIS Coloriage for Windows

Free to try English Version: 8.5

4.4 (87.4%) 1533 votes

Add colors to black-and-white images and replace them.

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Software description

AKVIS Coloriage manipulates colors of an image. It allows colorizing old black and white photos and replacing colors in color photos. It creates natural looking colorization. The program works equally well for coloring of portraits-landscapes-fashion-and still life. The program is as easy to use as a coloring book. No more hours of frustration attempting to get just the look you want – everything is done with a few brush strokes. Indicate the desired colors by the stroke of the brush; Coloriage does the rest of the work: recognizes the object’s border and tailors the new color to the grayscale tones of the initial picture. AKVIS Coloriage goes in two variants: as an independent program (standalone) and as a plug-in to a photo editor. The plug-in version is compatible with Adobe Photoshop-Photoshop Elements-and Paint Shop. This impressive software was awarded the “Best of Soft 2005” prize of PC Magazine/RE. The program is popular among professionals and amateurs.

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23.35 MB
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