
WebCrusher for MAC

Free to try English Version: 2.3

3.9 (78.4%) 1760 votes

Optimizes your web site’s code for faster loading.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

RAGE WebCrusher offers one-click website optimization, reducing the time it takes for your website to load in your customer’s web browser. Create your web site any way you like then run it through RAGE WebCrusher and publish it to your web server. In less than 5 minutes you will have a faster loading web site with absolutely no additional work on your part. RAGE WebCrusher reduces the size of your image files as well as your web page code. Whether you built your website with iWeb, Rapidweaver, Dreamweaver or RAGE WebDesign, RAGE WebCrusher can ensure your website loads as fast as possible for your customers.

No Threats Detected
RAGE Software
Free to try
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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