Skyline Mobile App Maker

Skyline Mobile App Maker for MAC

Free English Version: 1.1

4.6 (92.6%) 2259 votes

Communications channels for businesses’ customers, employees, vendors and management.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Skyline apps mobile phone applications for mobile web apps and mobile apps os utilizes Cloud Computing in partnership with Google. Powered by Google Apps, skyline apps provides mobility to its users. Skyline apps US Patent Pending Content Management System (CMS) allows the users to make mobile web apps for iPhone, Blackberry, Android, and other smart phones on the fly. Users can make, edit and manage their mobile web apps and mobile os apps via Cloud computing. Users can immediately see their mobile web app and os app using Skyline apps Content Management System (CMS). Skyline apps also provides mobile web app domain and mobile web app hosting services. All the user has to do is register their domain name of their choice (if available) and Skyline Apps will publish their app on multiple mobile phone and mobile device platforms. Using the wireless carriers of AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile, Skyline Apps provides mobile web app and mobile OS app – together in one mobile app bundle so subscribers can have their users download these mobile apps to their customers’ mobile phones, mobile devices, and other peripherals. Use serial code “Trial” when registering.

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Skyline Apps
19.56 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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