SAT Vocab Prep

SAT Vocab Prep for MAC

Free English Version: 1.5.0

3.9 (78%) 2155 votes

Prepare for a Scholastic Assessment Test.

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Software description

SAT Vocab Prep was developed to help you prepare for a Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT). A word is chosen at random from over 5,000 words and its description (simple definition) is displayed. You choose the appropriate word from a drop-down menu of five words. If you are correct, you are awarded ten points and after a few seconds the next description is displayed. If you are incorrect, you are penalized one point and the correct word is displayed. The test continues when you press the “Next Word” button. There are twenty words per test. The High Scores window displays the top ten scores and players’ names. Sound is supported. Sound can be turned on/off. The sound setting and the high scores are saved between sessions. SAT Vocab Prep was written in REALbasic.

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