
pearCalc for MAC

Free English Version: 0.6.4

4.6 (91.4%) 2348 votes

Universal calculator, app launcher & text replacement tool

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

pearCalc is a freeware calculator, application-launcher and text replacement tool that uses incredibly little space on your screen. As calculator it provides a broad range of operations (i.e. +,-,*,/,sin, cos, tan, log, %, mod, ^, sqrt …). Of course it also handles parentheses correctly.
The application-launcher function lets you launch applications simply by entering an application name. pearCalc can also launch web pages with your favorite browser and generate new emails with your favorite email-app. Furthermore, pearCalc can also be used as a text replacement tool in all text editors that support services.

Some interesting things about pearCalc: It uses almost no space on the screen, because it just provides a text field for expression-input and result-display, no unnecessary buttons and stuff like that. If it still uses to much of your valuable screen real estate you can simply hide and reactivate it via a user definable global hot key. If you place pearCalc in your applications folder it also provides its pearCalc-service to all Cocoa-based applications via the services menu meaning you can calculate expressions or launch applications even within Mail, TextEdit or any other Cocoa-based app.
You can define a list of shortcuts which enable easy currency-conversion or you can just use these shortcuts as constants. Of course you can also define shortcuts for application-launching. You can even set the order in which these constants should be processed simply via drag&drop. These shortcuts can also be used for text replacement purposes in service-enabled text editors.

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Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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