
ohmiGene for MAC

Free English Version: 6.11.5

3.9 (77.98%) 1091 votes

Process genealogical data on your Mac.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

ohmiGene is a complete program for the management of your genealogical data. Available in French and English, ohmiGene works under MacOS X (PowerPC or MacIntel, including Leopard) and Windows. ohmiGene is a ‘clean’ program : it works exclusively in the folder which contains it. A database created on Mac works on PC, and vice versa. An USB key, containing a working folder with the programs ohmiGene (PPC), ohmiGene X (MacIntel) and ohmiGene.exe (Windows) can be connected on any computer: ohmiGene is immediately operational. Data are saved in the database with the encoding UTF8: languages as the cyrillic can be used. ohmiGene is the program, working with a database, which respects more the GEDCOM format (import-export). If any context concerning the submission of a file to the church LDS is absent, almost totality of the other contexts are correctly handled (import, manipulation and export): individual records ou family records, evnts, attributes… without forgetting the relations (tag ASSO), the multiple identities, neither the possible doubles (tag ALIA)… contexts often ignored by many software.

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Ohm inProduction
135.56 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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