NuoDB for MAC

Free English Version: 2.0.4

3.8 (76.39%) 2701 votes

The NuoDB DBMS provides scale-out performance, zero downtime, and geo-distributed data management.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Everyday businesses face challenges with application deployments, maintaining business continuity, and providing outstanding application performance. NuoDB leads the industry with a distributed database management system to solve these problems.

NuoDB provides scale-out performance, continuous availability and geo-distributed data management. It’s a single, logical database easily deployed in multiple locations simultaneously. This unique capability is unavailable in any other SQL product.
It’s a true SQL service with ACID properties and relational logic, offering automatic redundancy, high availability and low latency. It’s designed from scratch as a distributed system with no single point of failure to meet the needs of global businesses.

No Threats Detected
110.21 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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