Metadata Hootenanny

Metadata Hootenanny for MAC

Free English Version: 2.1

4.8 (95%) 364 votes

QuickTime menu, chapter & metadata editor.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Metadata Hootenanny is a viewer/editor for all the spiffy metadata you can put into Quicktime movies. You know how you can view, edit and sort by your mp3s’ ID3 metadata in iTunes? Well, the same metadata system exists for all your quicktime movies, too, but until now the only way to access it was through the horrid interface of Quicktime Pro Player (You can see certain metadata items in QT’s Info window, and add them in the Movie Properties window under Annotaions). Metadata Hootenanny lets you access this information more easily. You can make a list of all the videos in your collection with a certain director or writer. You can search your videos for a certain performer, or a keyword in the description. Of course, you have to add all this information to your movies yourself…which is a breeze with Metadata Hootenanny.

You can also add chapters to your movies, and interactive menus to jump to chapters, or change audio or text tracks.
For quick support, visit the Metadata Hootenanny forum hosted by 3ivx Technologies at
Please note that if your browser is stupid (Internet Explorer:Mac, I’m looking in your direction), it will download the file (which should be .zip, opened with Stuffit Expander) as “download.php” and open it in a browser window. I use Mozilla, which doesn’t have this problem, but simply renaming the download from “download.php” to Metadata” should alleviate your problems if you use Internet Exploder.

No Threats Detected
Noah Sorscher
1.38 MB
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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