Lucky Wheel Lucky Draw

Lucky Wheel Lucky Draw for iOs

Free English Version: 1.8

3.7 (74.59%) 1256 votes

Can’t make a decision among options.

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Software description

Can’t make a decision among options. This wheel can help you to draw out a decision by inputing the options before spinning the wheel once. It may be an interesting episode between you and your family or your love if making decision in a different and unusual way. Sometime, you can use this lucky wheel to play a game with friends at your home or club house. I have this experience by inputting “Drink 3 shots of vodka”, “Kiss the one on your right hand side”, “Bite the one sitting opposite you” etc.and spin the wheel one by one. It’s easy to have fun and create your own game with this little wheel. Don’t neglect anything looked unimportant around you. Everything will become useful and meaningful if you think with creativity. It’s totally free of charge and you have no doubt to make use of this resources to make your lifestyle interesting.
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