
LayoutKitchen for MAC

Free to try English Version: 2.1.4

3.7 (74.8%) 3270 votes

Provide Editor for KeyStrokes & SwitchXS keyboards & Proloquo speech panels.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

LayoutKitchen is an editor for KeyStrokes keyboards, SwitchXS scan panels and Proloquo speech panels. SwitchXS and KeyStrokes users can use LayoutKitchen to create their own keyboards with just those keys, controls and functions they need, thereby greatly enhancing the power and versatility of SwitchXS and KeyStrokes. Proloquo users can use LayoutKitchen to create their own speech panels for easy access of commonly used phrases or, when images are used on the buttons, to build communication panels for people who cannot read or write. LayoutKitchen is included with SwitchXS, KeyStrokes 4 and Proloquo 2.

LayoutKitchen provides many advanced features to create highly customized panels with colored background, labels and buttons, with all kinds of images, and with a variety of powerful functions. Yet, LayoutKitchen is easy to use. Beginners can start by reusing buttons from existing panels and create more complex panels as they become comfortable with LayoutKitchen. To accommodate a variety of users, LayoutKitchen provides both mouse-based (drag and drop) and keyboard-based interfaces (keyboard shortcuts) for many actions and also includes functions making it easier for switch users to design their own panels with limited mouse use.
LayoutKitchen can also be used to create keyboards for Quickclicks, the on-screen keyboard included with Axiotron’s Modbook.

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