Free English Version: 5.4.7

4.2 (83.99%) 1128 votes

Email extractor, filterer, verifier, manager, mailer.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

JPEE E-mail Utility is available as a free email extraction, filterer, verifier, exporter, manager, and emailer utility all in one economical application. Take the bulk out of your email! Features include:
Complete Email Merge Solution
Unlimited Custom Tag support
Conditional Tag support
Inline Image Attachments
Custom Message Style Creation
Text OR HTML Message Editor
Message Custom Tag Preview
Custom Mail Header support
Scheduled Mailings
Customizable Import from CSV or TSV delimited lists
Customizable Import from vCard formated lists
Create and save multiple messages for each recipient list
Pre-Delivery E-mail Verification
Comprehensive Post-Delivery Verification and Feedback
Direct Sending using Internal Mail Transfer Agent
Authenticated SMTP delivery (Prompted or Unprompted)
SSL Secure Sending support
Multiple SMTP Account support
Filterable and Comprehensive Email Parsing Funtionality
Create Customized E-mail Data Parsing Scripts
Available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Unix
Absolutely all non-malformed email addresses parsing from just about any data source imaginable.
Support for various filters including ‘user defined’ filters for parsing email addresses with regards to custom data included in the message headers.
Preference Panel that allow users complete control over the e-mail extraction parsing rules, including adding allowable characters, number of allowable digits, maximum and minimum address lengths.
Allows the ability to create ‘user defined’ rules for cleaning up consistently malformed list addresses.
Create personalized ‘Parsing Scripts’. Users can specify a target string and start and end block, followed by a series of rules to extract and format consistent tags or headers from within a raw data file or directory and add them to a JPEE list to be exported in a format of their choice.
Support for removing addresses on mass from a derived file.
Status statistics with regards to duplicates and malformed addresses.
Extremely fast parsing.
Support for various delimiters including ‘user defined’ delimiters when exporting lists.

No Threats Detected
Niagara Software
Mac / OS X / OS Classic
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