Hidden Fixer

Hidden Fixer for Windows

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Fix files and holders damaged by shortcut viruses.

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Software description

Have you ever been infected by shortcut viruses ? They hide all your important files and folders and place the fake files and folders as the shortcuts. This problem mostly happens on your external drives or other kind of storage devices. Every time you click on any of them, you will be triggering shortcut virus to let them infect each of the computers you are using. Hidden Fixer is the answer for you. It has been developed to fix that problem and to bring all those hidden files and folders back to normal. Hidden Fixer allows you to recover/fix all files and folders from wherever you choose in just ONE CLICK! It is very simple to use for less-experienced users.

The Method of this program is about to fix all those files and folders attributes. Especially, “Hidden” and “System” file attributes were recommended to fix on purpose. Otherwise, it allows you to customize by choosing which file attributes you need to fix them including “Read-Only”, “Archive”, “Hidden”, and “System”. Hidden Fixer also comes with 3 sub-programs inside including Hidden Fixer Console that allows you to fix the entire drives in a console view, Hidden Maker that allows you to hide your folders for some privacy reasons, and Updater to let you keeping this program up-to-date. If you are having a problem like this, let Hidden Fixer help you instead of get rid of it yourself. Get a copy of Hidden Fixer now for FREE ! Compatible with all version of Windows.

No Threats Detected
789.04 KB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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