Game Cloud Emulator

Game Cloud Emulator for Windows

Free English Version: 0.1

3.8 (75.99%) 3066 votes

Develop multi-player capabilities for your Unity projects.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

Game Cloud Continental is a game networking solution of a new generation. It extends the capabilities of the known game servers tens and hundreds of times.
Game Cloud Continental helps in two major directions: – helping small game developers to deliver a true MMO game, great performing, robust and secure. – provide to large game titles almost infinite number of online players; provide a hardware-scalable sofware framework out of the box.

Our product is free. It comes as a server-emulator, cloud service or stand alone server. As addition to the network messaging we provide a bunch of meta-game features: lobby, chat, high scores, in-game purchases, collision management on server side. Game Cloud Continental works with absolutely authoritative server-client model which gives no chance to hackers.

No Threats Detected
Game Cloud Continental
1.17 MB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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