FileDoggy Updater

FileDoggy Updater for Windows

Free English Version: 2.4.10

4.5 (89.17%) 240 votes

Check new versions of the installed programs automatically.

Security Status: No Threats Detected

Software description

FileDoggy Updater is a unique software management tool which is indispensable when it comes to keeping you automatically updated with modified versions of existing installations. is the market leading software management tool which has been developed specifically to manage the plethora of free software tools which the typical computer user will have pre-installed or will install on their computer. Given the large number of free software utilities which are used on the typical machine, there are significant performance and security issues which come from not maintaining software up-to-date. There are significant security issues associated with Internet browsers for instance; failing to maintain browsers such as Google’s Chrome and Mozilla Firefox with the latest updates can lead them to being extremely vulnerable to the latest hacker exploits and to drive-by infection from visiting websites which contain malicious code which is surreptitiously download viruses to your computer. Update Checker takes this risk away as it automatically will seek out when updates are available for your installed free software portfolio and advise you of the need to perform an update. This keeps you as fully secured as it is possible to be and at the same time maximizes the performance of the software you have installed.

No Threats Detected
1.41 MB
Windows 10|Windows 7|Windows 8|Windows 8.1|Windows XP
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